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Volunteers, firefighters collect donations for local food banks through Goodfellows campaign


by Sylene Argent

A bout of cold, snowy weather on Friday and Saturday didn’t stop numerous volunteers from rolling up their sleeves to help collect money through the Essex Region Goodfellows’ annual newspaper campaign.

And their efforts and dedication to the cause paid off as Essex Region Goodfellows Chairperson, Richard Meloche, said the donations seemed to be rolling in.

“It seems to be going pretty well,” Meloche said, while bouncing around from the collection sites located throughout the municipality, including at major intersections in Harrow, Essex Centre, and at Paquette Corners in McGregor, in addition to strategic locations throughout the municipality to garner support from shoppers and residents on foot. “People seem to be generous. It is nice to see.”

Unsure how individuals would respond to the in-person collection, Meloche was pleased to see efforts were successful.

In addition to members of the Essex Region Goodfellows, area firefighters, members of the Knights of Columbus clubs for Maidstone and McGregor, and a slew of community-minded individuals volunteered to offer this year’s issue of the Essex Region Goodfellow’s newspaper in exchange for a donation.

Members of the Essex Region Goodfellows will tally up the donations and in the near future will present the proceeds to the Essex Area Food Bank, the Essex Salvation Army, and the St. Vincent de Paul Chapters in Harrow and McGregor to help these local food banks support area families and individuals in need.

The Essex Region Goodfellows brought back its annual Newspaper Campaign, after a two-year hiatus, due to the pandemic, in addition to reinstalling its relatively new 50/50 raffle, leading up to this holiday season.

The 50/50 raffle tickets are available from area firefighters, members of the Goodfellows, at select local businesses, or through e-transfer via

The draw will take place on December 31, which makes the tickets great Christmas gifts, Meloche, said.

He noted 3000 tickets are being sold, which means, if all tickets sell, the winner will take home $15,000.

Looking ahead, a fish fry will be held to support the Essex Region Goodfellows at Holy Name of Jesus Parish on November 25, from 4:30-7pm.

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