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Road works on the go in Essex Centre


by Sylene Argent, Local Journalism Initiative

Improvements to Essex Centre’s road network did not conclude with last year’s rejuvenation of the downtown business core through the Essex Centre Streetscape enhancement project. Three additional reconstruction projects continue this spring to improve the local road network.

  Work being done on Victoria Avenue is a continuation of the Essex Centre Streetscape.

  Last week, contractor J&J Lepera Infrastructures Inc., was back onsite to start the trail excavation at South Talbot Road, and will work towards Talbot Street, David McBeth noted, who is the Manager of Capital Works and Asset Management for the Town of Essex.

  Work on the 2.4m wide multi-use trail, located on thenNorth-side of Victoria, will be completed first, including the excavation and then paving work, before improvements to the road itself takes place. That will continue from where it left off last fall at Day Street. It will head down towards where the MTO left its limit of asphalt when the Highway 3 works were completed.

  The multi-use trail will tie up to the Sadlers’ Pond area, the Cypher Systems Group Greenway, and, it will tie to the trail on Hanlan Avenue, linking down to the bike path on Fairview Avenue. A three-way stop will be introduced at Hanlan to provide safe crossing.

  “We obviously recognize the need to connect to our facilities and connect trail-to-trail to provide a better resource to our residents, McBeth said.

  As part of the trail project, a few hydro poles were relocated to provide for a consistent trail, he added.

  The road, for the most part, will be replaced with brand new asphalt.

  On-street parking will remain, McBeth assured.

  Work has already started on the Gosfield Townline, Maidstone Avenue, and Arthur Avenue intersection. Maidstone Avenue will be a throughway, with Gosfield Townline feeding into it. Arthur will feed into Gosfield.

  There will be a truck-turning apron on Gosfield, a lighted pedestrian crossing will be added across Maidstone Avenue to the west of the intersection.

  This project is on schedule, and McBeth is hoping for completion in a few weeks, weather pending.

  In addition, the Town is looking to start the Irwin Avenue reconstruction project within the next few weeks, McBeth said. The idea is to not have these two projects overlap too much.

  The expected start date for the full reconstruction of Irwin Avenue, from Arthur Avenue to Gosfield Townline, will include storm sewer, watermain, roadway, and sidewalk work – will begin the week of May 13. The road will be open just for residents.

   In addition, the small sections of road on Brien Avenue and Wellington Avenue, from Talbot Street to Irwin, will also be included as part of the Irwin Avenue project.

  At the April 15 Council meeting, was awarded the Irwin Avenue reconstruction to Shearock Construction Group Inc., in the amount of $ 3,493,255.95, including non-refundable Harmonized Sales Tax.

   In addition, the contract for administration and onsite inspection, including drawing revisions and end of maintenance services to TYLin International Canada Inc., in the amount of $204,720.77, was approved.

  The proposed works, as part of the detailed engineering design, includes full-depth road reconstruction, including a granular base and two lifts of asphalt and standard concrete curb and gutter, Council heard.

  In December of 2023, Council pre-approved the budget in 2024 for the Irwin Avenue Reconstruction in the amount of $4,350,000.

  It was noted at this meeting it is hoped completion of the reconstruction of Irwin Avenue project will be around the end of October to mid-November.


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