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MPP visited Kiwanis-Sunshine Point Camp to see results of a Trillium Grant


Essex MPP Taras Natyshak (right) presents Dan Inverarity, a volunteer of Kiwanis-Sunshine Point Camp, with a certificate, recognizing the $110,000 Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant the local campground received this summer.

by Sylene Argent

On Wednesday afternoon, Essex MPP Taras Natyshak met with long-time volunteer Dan Inverarity at Kiwanis-Sunshine Point Camp to celebrate an Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant the Harrow-area campground received earlier this summer.

  Along a tour of the campgrounds, Inverarity was able to show Natyshak how those funds enhanced the facilities.

  Thanks to the $110,000 Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant, Kiwanis-Sunshine Point Camp was able to install a new playground and a pavilion, equipped with a pantry-like area with accessibility to electricity, which campers were able to utilize during their week-long stay during the warmer months.

  “The pavilion was really popular this summer,” Inverarity said.

  This past summer, Inverarity said Kiwanis-Sunshine Point Camp was able to accommodate 385 campers. He would like to max out in 2019 by hosting 460 youths.

  Inverarity said the camp’s Board members work hard to fundraise $150,000 each year to ensure the camp is available to as many youths, including campers of families facing economic stress, as possible.

Essex MPP Taras Natyshak tries out the Kiwanis Sunshine-Point Camp’s zipline, which is a part of the playground that was installed this summer, thanks to an Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant.

  “This place exudes fun,” Natyshak said after insisting on trying out the zipline on the playground and testing the piano onsite. He was pleased to see all the camp was able to offer campers and that there is so much dedication from supporters and donators, who ensure the camp can stay available to the youth.

  Natyshak said it was nice to see Kiwanis-Sunshine Point Camp is able to offer a fun camping experience to many youths each summer, where the campers get to create new friends and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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