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Maidstone Bicentennial Museum receives splash of colour


by Sylene Argent

A few months ago, Maidstone Bicentennial Museum’s Curator Victoria Beaulieu reached out to the Art Department at St. Anne Catholic High School to see if any students, with exceptional talents, would be able to paint a mural on the Museum’s plain storage unit in exchange for earning community service hours.

That initial phone call solicited the interest of three, soon to be grade 12, art students - Emily MacKinnon, Yvonne Gascon, and Kate Dunn. And, these young artists have been adding plenty of colour to the storage unit as weather has permitted since the end of May. The hot weather experienced as of late has made the storage unit hot some days, which has caused the paint to run.

With the Maidstone Bicentennial Museum proud of its butterfly garden, Beaulieu asked the trio to paint native flowers, lady bugs, and butterflies.

The girls said they have enjoyed painting the storage container and learned a lot about native plant life in the process.

The mural, in addition to adding art and colour to the Museum grounds, will also act as a learning tool in depicting native plant life. Visitors will be able to see a depiction in the mural, then head out to the Museum’s butterfly garden to spot the various species of indigenous plant life.

“They have done a nice job on the mural. It is pretty well done,” Beaulieu said.

This is a great time of year to check out the Maidstone Bicentennial Museum’s butterfly garden. For anyone interested in swinging by, it will be open Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., until the end of August.

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