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Gosfield students ready for high school


by Sylene Argent

Recently, the graduating classmates of Gosfield North Public school were ushered into the future by the inspiring words of class valedictorian, Carson Diemer. 

  As a student who enjoys acting and talking before a crowd, Diemer was thrilled to learn he was selected by his peers and teachers to fill the role of valedictorian. “Honestly, I was overjoyed,” Diemer said of learning he would be the class valedictorian. “I had some tough competition.”

  What Diemer liked about the role, is that it gave him an opportunity to share his ideas with the rest of the class, so they could understand how he felt about the Coronavirus situation. “Our class is just one class, so we are sort of very close together. So, I wanted to send the message that even in these times when we are alone, we are not truly alone.”

  Some of Diemer’s favourite memories includes attending the annual band trip. He also enjoyed taking music in class, where he played the alto-saxophone. He is looking forward to building on his musicianship as a student at Essex District High School.

  He believes the transition into high school will go smoothly, and is looking forward to discovering what extracurricular activities are offered at the local high school.

  Once in high school, Diemer said he will miss the teachers at Gosfield, because he found them to be supportive of their students.   

  Diemer pre-recorded his speech for his class graduation video, which was released for viewing on Friday, June 19.

  “Get ready high school, this special class is coming to you,” he said, wrapping up his speech.

  Pam Badiuk, Principal of Gosfield North, in the graduation video, said staff members at Gosfield were there to celebrate the academics and achievements of an exceptional group of young people. She said the graduates were able to see their intermediate teachers prior to graduation, when they were welcomed with congratulation signs and teachers with poms-poms. They also each received their own lawn sign to show off their achievement within their neighbourhoods. 

  Last Thursday, the graduates returned to pick up their diplomas and a “Grad Swag Bag.” 

  “We want to thank the Parent Council, grade seven parents, and Cottam Rotary, who provided a variety of items to the students for the “High School Survival Kit,” Badiuk said. This special package included items like a highlighter to look at the bright side, lip balm to keep smiling, and a pencil as a reminder to do homework.    

  “It takes a village to raise a child, and our school community certainly has worked to support our students,” she added.  

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