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Essex’s comedic musician Jon Brett releases the Most Canadian Song Ever “No Doubt About It”


by Sylene Argent, Local Journalism Initiative

Essex’s musical comedian, Jon Brett, is at it again, now introducing his newest tune, the Most Canadian Song Ever “No Doubt About It.”

The song, aimed at pointing out things that leaves no doubt someone is Canadian, is getting some online attention, with having garnered 121,000 views in its first two-weeks

“It is the fastest growing song I have put out,” Brett said.  

Brett was inspired to write another fun Canadian-themed song, after the success of his tune “This is a Song That Will Only Make Sense to Canadians,” which was previously released around Canada Day.

Inspired by the momentum his first Canadian-themed song had, he put pen to paper, and guitar pick to strings, last summer, to write the newest tune. The original plan was to release the new song around Canada Day this year, but with the current political climate regarding tariff woes with the US, he thought now would be a good time to throw the song on his Jon Brett Comedy YouTube channel with there being a big Canadian movement.

One of his favourite lines in the tune is, “if someone you know wrecked their pickup truck hitting a moose, or if you ever had to run for your life from an angry goose.”

The first part was based on a true story, as he had a friend who once went on vacation and totaled his vehicle by hitting a moose. The line about an angry goose is something to which nearly every Canadian can relate, including those who try to take a stroll locally at Sadlers’ Pond in the spring.

Brett said he has gotten a lot of great feedback since releasing the song. Some individuals are thrilled to hear their city mentioned in the song. He not only included the most populated city names, but the second most populated, from each province.

He hopes many will take the time to listen in, and enjoy the song, while getting a laugh or two.

Brett has a lot of projects on the go presently. He has been inspired to start a few more Canadian-themed projects, and he is continuing to work on his music aimed for youths. He will host a concert in Windsor for his kids’ music on March 30.

“I am a comedian musician,” Brett said in what keeps him writing. “I have a passion for creating. I’ve been writing music and songs for years, but nothing really connected and felt like it expressed my identity.”

Then he wrote his first comical song, “Uni the Unicorn,” and he felt that connection he was missing before. It is about a unicorn who shows up in town one day, but turns out not to be too friendly. After arriving with a rainbow, he humorously begins to attack people.

In 2018, Brett entered the song into CBC’s Searchlight competition.

The following year, he entered his song “Kill it With Fire” into the competition, which was about those who do not enjoy the company of spiders.

Later in 2019, Brett earned a top ten position in CBC Comedy’s Next Up competition, which was due to how well the judges received Brett’s contest submission, the success of the competition’s social media challenges, and because of the online support from his hometown supporters.

“That connection keeps me going,” he said of writing funny songs. “I love to create funny songs. I’m a goofy, funny guy. It suits me and aligns with how I’m feeling.”


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