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Council votes to allow GIP to keep on truckin’ topsoil to McGregor fill site


by Greg Layson

Essex Councillors have reversed a decision that stopped a construction company from continuing to dump excess soil at a site on Walker Road in Harrow. But, it comes with limitations and, according to one Councillor, the backing of nearby residents.

Council, in early October of last year, closed the fill site on Walker Road. When all but one Councillor voted to deny GIP Paving Inc. an extension to continue.

Coco Paving Inc., which was later acquired by GIP, began dumping clean fill at the site in August 2019 and the permit had been renewed annually. But, the latest permit expired September 17, 2024 and was not renewed.

GIP Director of Windsor Region GIP Paving Inc. Gianmarco Giglio was at Council on February 18 to request permission to start dumping topsoil on the site again.

GIP was looking to deliver approximately 250 loads or 2500 cubic meters of topsoil, six inches in depth, to the site. Giglio said it would take between 10 and 15 days to do so.

“We're hoping to do this as quickly as possible, just because of the fact that it's cold right now, the ground's frozen and we're hoping to not make a mess,” he told Council.

Noise and dust were two complaints commonly lodged to staff and Council while the site was operational.

“We're looking to do right for the property owner there and I give him my word that I would clean it up. I'm trying my best to hold true to that,” Giglio said.

According to Giglio, only a small strip of land on the 80-acre site needs topsoil and the work would be done by March 31.

“The remainder of the property has been restored,” he said.

All but Councillor Kim Verbeek voted in favour of allowing GIP the small window of time to dump its soil.

“When I saw this on the agenda, I thought ‘What’s going on? We’re back here again?’” said Deputy Mayor Rob Shepley, who wanted to know why it was back up for debate.

Giglio explained.

“Back in October, I was optimistic that we were going to be able to continue to use the site,” Giglio said. “But we have to go back and complete this work.”

Verbeek was skeptical.

“We were assured that all the trucks and all the loads being brought in were to bring the property to a farmable state.  Any of us that went out there just didn't see it looking like it was headed towards that direction,” she said. “Now, at that point, is this parcel going to be ready to farm?”

Giglio said yes. The topsoil “has been tested” and is coming from agricultural land in Tecumseh, where it’s being prepared for a condo complex, he said.

“We have a small window right now” to do this during a time of year that would allow for minimal mess, he explained.

Councillor Rodney Hammond said the neighbouring residents he spoke with prior to the Council meeting “are on side with it as long as this is the end of it.”

Chief Building Officer and Manager of Bylaw Enforcement, Kevin Carter, assured Council this is the end of the road.

“This is it. Closure. Done,” he said. “If I see anything other than topsoil, I will shut the project down.”


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