by Sylene Argent
The Essex Communities in Bloom (CIB) Committee recognized many owners of residential and commercial properties for their beautification efforts during its annual Awards Reception, which was hosted at the McGregor Community Centre on the evening of Wednesday, September 26.
Every summer, the Essex CIB Committee hosts the Front Yard and Balcony Contest throughout the Municipality of Essex. Through the contest, residential and commercial properties are nominated, and select members of the committee assess those nominations.
Essex CIB Committee mascots, Bloomer and Petunia, and Councillor Ron Rogers, Chairperson of the Committee, were at the banquet to hand out many awards to those who earned a top “Five Bloom” honour in the 2018 edition of the Front Yard and Balcony Contest, which took place in July.
Nominations in the contest are given a status, with “Five Blooms” being the highest honour. They are also given advice on how their landscaping and gardening projects could be improved.
A total of 36 “Five Blooms” in the residential category were earned through the 2018 Front Yard and Balcony Contest. In addition, two properties were recognized in the business and organization category. Many of those top earners were presented a certificate, recognizing their achievement, at last Wednesday evening’s banquet.
Property owners who earn a “Five Bloom” status three times in a five-year period are awarded with a “Forever in Bloom” award. These certificate-holders are then eligible to judge properties entered into the Front Yard and Balcony Contest. Five “Forever in Bloom” Awards were presented this year in the residential category, and one was awarded in the business and organization category.
Rogers also recognized several individuals or organizations with special awards. The Colchester Harbour earned the “Environmental Action” award for having earned the Blue Flag Certification twice. Blue Flag is a world-renowned, eco-certification for beaches and marinas.
Dan and Cathy Hedges were awarded with the Essex Communities in Bloom Special Recognition Award for donating sunscreen dispensers for the splashpads located in Harrow Centre, Essex Centre, and at Colchester Park. The sunscreen dispensers were donated in memory of their daughter, Kari, who passed away due to melanoma cancer at the age of 30 in 2014.
The Essex and Community Historical Research Society (ECHRS) earned the Heritage Conservation Award for its membership’s efforts in preserving land deeds and other important documents.
The Essex Centre BIA was presented with the Landscape Award for its beatification efforts, including its role in establishing the pavilion inside the Heritage Gardens Park.
The Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority earned the Tidiness Award in recognition of its recycling program designed for special events. Mark and Kathleen Bovenkamp earned the Urban Forestry Award for having planted 30 acres of trees in the past 15 years.
Rogers said the Essex CIB is not just about planting flowers. Of course, floral arrangements are a big part upon what this Committee focuses, however, members also prepare the town for the national Community in Bloom judges, who come to access the Municipality of Essex on its community involvement, environmental responsibility efforts, tidiness, landscaping, and beautification.
Rogers recognized and congratulated the Essex CIB members for all they do to contribute to beautify the entire municipality.