by Sylene Argent, Local Journalism Initiative
The drizzly, cold rain did not deter around 1000 individuals from heading down to the Essex Soccer Complex grounds – umbrella in hand – to participate in Essex Gospel Community Church’s always anticipated Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday.
Essex Gospel’s Pastor Brent Horner was pleased to see so many families taking advantage of the opportunity to enjoy a family-friendly, Easter-themed event, despite the weather.
On the sound of the horn, participating youths had a chance to dash off to collect as many of the 25,000 plastic eggs scattered about the grounds as they could, each stuffed with a chocolate treat or a notice they could later exchange for a prize. Parents and guardians guided their little ones as they pursued the goal of collecting as many eggs as they could.
Children, up to the age of grade six students, were invited to participate. They were divided into age categories before the big hunt to help keep things as fair and safe as possible.
Horner noted around 70 individuals volunteer in the months leading up to and at the event, each contributing to its success that goes beyond the egg hunt. The event also offered youths a chance to win prizes, including a draw for one of two bikes or a gift card, a free barbeque lunch, and the opportunity to take home a chocolate Easter Bunny.
A game was also held for the adults onsite, where there was a chance to win an array of gift cards or a pair of sunglasses.
Horner noted Essex Gospel continues to host this event as a way to get out into the community to greet community members, instead of always asking individuals to come out to the church. It also allows the church to show the love of Christ, he added.
The event also serves as a way for the local Church to give back to the community as a Church family.